Yesterday is history,

 tomorrow is a mystery,

 but today is a gift.

 That is why it is called the present.

Master Oogway


I want to enable people to do what they can do to have an impact within their communities. This includes having a realistic feeling of their strengths as well as for professional methods such as strategic planning, facilitation, presentation, capacity building, network management, evaluation, etc.


I offer longterm knowledge of subjects and issues of civic education, experience with various methods and approaches, National and International networks of stakeholders in civic education as well as connections to National and International International donors.


  • Consultant in the programms "Demokratie Leben!" und "Zusammenarbeit durch Teilhabe"(Z:T), German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), gesbit, Berlin
  • Consultant for 18 projects on preventing anti-semitism (project strategy, capacity development, project management, fundraising, etc.) German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), one year, Berlin
  • Consultant for 120 interreligious initiatives in co-ordination with the responsible groups from the social sector in three project “Weisst du wer ich bin?” (Do you know who I am?) funded by the German Ministry of the Interior, three years.